
Healthy, Younger Looking Skin and Hair through Exceptional Science

Research has revealed that targeted biosignals play an important role in tissue repair, particularly the skin. AnteAGE® pioneered the science of reactivating the skin's natural regenerative properties by utilizing Cytosignals that mimic our body’s own growth factors to restore youthful skin. The scientists behind AnteAGE® have harnessed the power of growth factors to encourage your skin to behave youthfully and heal beautifully.

Boost Your Skin's Natural Healing Abilities

Your skin works hard to protect you every day. Stem cells within your skin contain hundreds of different growth factors and cytokines used to manage the healing process and regeneration. These are the agents in your body that command regeneration.

With young skin, our naturally occurring stem cells are robust and responsive, keeping skin smooth, elastic, and radiant. But as we age, we have fewer of these cells available to repair damage. Over time, injuries add up and our skin health deteriorates.

Our scientists have replicated our body’s natural abilities with recombinant growth factors to regain your skin’s ability to behave youthfully.

The AnteAGE® Difference

Our recombinant Cytosignals are cultured in a laboratory, within a controlled environment that fosters production of the biosignals that may command skin repair and rejuvenation.

AnteAGE® also offers products that support in-office skin treatments, such as microneedling, radiofrequency or laser resurfacing. Following in-office treatments, users can minimize healing times and continue to increase rejuvenating benefits using AnteAGE® home skincare system.